Zero day brokers are people who make or sell malware that’s sold to people who will use that malware to exploit people. It’s a strange and mysterious world that not many people know a lot about. Nicole Perlroth, who is a cybersecurity reporter for the NY Times, dove in head first which resulted in her writing a whole book on it.
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- Nicole’s Book: This is How They Tell Me the World Ends
Darknet Diaries is created by Jack Rhysider.
Episode artwork by odibagas.
Audio cleanup by Proximity Sound.
Theme music created by Breakmaster Cylinder. Theme song available for listen and download at bandcamp. Or listen to it on Spotify.
Recording equipment used this episode was the Shure SM7B, Zoom Podtrak P4, Sony MDR7506 headphones, and Hindenburg audio editor.
JACK: Hey, it’s Jack, host of the show. I’ve been making this show about cyber-crime for a few years now. I’ve interviewed attackers, defenders, black hats, white hats, law enforcement, even nation state actors. But there’s one type of person who always refuses to be interviewed for the show, and that’s people who find vulnerabilities and sell those exploits to governments or companies that will use it to attack people with.